Solar Panel PV Drone Inspection

Many solar panel owners are drawn in by the common misconception that they do not require any maintenance. Whilst it is true that they are built to last, it is still highly recommended that they are maintained regularly to get the very best efficiency levels from them. We offer a drone-led solar panel survey to give you a safe and cost-effective way to inspect your solar panels to discover if maintenance is required.

Why should you inspect your solar panels?

Because of their positioning, solar panels are prone to dirt and debris buildup which can affect how efficiently they work. An inspection can help determine any issues before they cause significant problems.

We have listed some things to consider

Solar Panel Icon


Your solar panels serve a purpose and to ensure that they are performing as well as they can, a survey is your best bet. Identifying and removing dirt and debris from solar panels can improve their efficiency by up to 21% in residential properties and up to 60% in commercial properties!


Wear and tear

Identifying any issues early will help prevent costly repairs later down the line if the problem gets worse.

Solar Panel


There are so many particles of dust and dirt in the environment. When these build up and collect in an area of your solar panels, performance will be affected. You also run the risk that your solar panels will not stand the test of time.

Guarantee Icon


In order to comply with the terms of your warranty, you may be required to keep up with maintenance. Regular inspections will help you determine how often they need cleaning and to what extent.

Why do we use drones to inspect solar panels?

Solar panels are not easy to access safely and some issues would be almost impossible to spot without the use of a drone. Because of this, a drone solar panel inspection is unrivalled in providing actionable feedback.

Our skilled and qualified drone operators cover every part of your solar panels and will identify issues that need to be resolved.

By using drones, our inspections are:

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    Cost-effective. Our inspections bypass all the costly extras required for traditional inspections and head straight to the sky for a detailed, bird’s eye view. We work smarter, not harder so you can pay less.

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    Time-saving. Forget the scaffolding, the team of people and the preparation needed for a traditional survey. Our drone pilots carry out their surveys and inspect their findings swiftly. Your report could be with you within 72 hours.

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    Safe. Checking your solar panels yourself is not advisable for safety reasons. Using our state-of-the-art drones we can access areas that would be incredibly difficult to look at otherwise, whilst keeping our feet firmly on the ground.

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    Accurate. We take our findings from the high-quality images collected by our drones. We can access all areas and get an incredibly accurate picture of your solar panels.

Reporting and analysis

We want you to have the results of your inspection as quickly as possible to allow you to arrange any necessary repairs. We aim to get your reports to you in as little as 72 hours. And don’t worry, you won't need a degree in drone operations or solar panels to understand the reports. We pride ourselves on creating clear, concise and easy-to-read reports and analysis. Our reporting will include:

  • GPS tagged high-quality imagery

  • Overall condition report

  • List of defects based on severity

Why us

Full View is an Oxfordshire-based, independent company. Our drone pilots are fully qualified, roof specialists, trained to operate drones for inspections and surveys. Unlike other drone operating companies, we do not offer a maintenance service so have no vested interest in finding damage that isn’t there. You can therefore trust that your inspection and report will be entirely honest and accurate. We can also offer fast and flexible callout times, unlike some larger companies. If you would like to arrange a consultation or get a free quotation, get in touch with us today. We would love to speak to you.

Capture Analyse Deliver
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    Capture - Our expert team will carry out the drone roof inspection

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    Analyse - We will look over our findings and create an honest, easy-to-read report for you

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    Deliver - Receive the results of your inspection in as little as 72 hours

If you would like to talk to us about a Solar Panel Drone Inspection, contact us today! We would love to hear from you.

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